Review of Control

House M.D.: Control (2005)
Season 1, Episode 14
29 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was a solid episode with some really nice performances. Yet another example of House putting things together beyond the basic diagnosis. And the case in this episode is interesting, and the way it ties into all the bureaucracy of Transplant Committees, was really well demonstrated here. However, for me it's a double-pronged delight in other ways... First, it draws very clear lines in the sand between House and Vogler, but more importantly, it showcases who they are. Sure, House is a pain in the ass - but it's all upfront. Vogler makes his speech to the board and then starts tearing into Cuddy right from the rip - he's NOT what he seems.

Secondly, can we just have a moment of acknowledgement for the "Bauer Babes" from 24 on the show within a couple of episodes?! (Leslie Hope, who played Jack's wife in the Histories episode and now, and Sarah Clarke who played the deliciously wicked Nina Myers in this one!
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