Horribly depressing guff.
27 June 2021
I sincerely pity the writer, given that this work must surely reflect a stark, bleak state of mind.

There is no point attempting to find any real meaning or cohesion in Tales from the Loop, let alone any explanation for the seemingly random events cobbled together in what can only be described as a pretentious and self indulgent fashion.

Tales is very much trying to be art, but art for arts sake. It meanders and drags it's heels at an infuriating pace and the few interesting concepts it shoehorns in, have all been done before, many times, much better, by far more talented people. Tales doesn't pursue these concepts, so a viewer is left feeling confused, irritated and unsatisfied when a thread begins and - ultimately - leeds nowhere.

There are some good points, however. The acting is - without exception - perfect. The actors from Tales could carry any half decent story, effortlessly. This is very much a case of the story failing the storytellers.

The photography is exceptional too. Unfortunately, these things just cannot make up for what is - when all is said and done - pointless, depressing guff.

Not recommended, with a single caveat: good as a showcase for the actors involved. I will be keeping my eye out for these actors in future movies and TV shows.
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