Soo Stretchy And Amazing!
23 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm gonna to write a paragraph on why this show is so amazing so get ready


This season is actually amazing when we get a first look at The Flex Fighters they're immature teenagers that still don't know how to be superheroes and they work for a villain that they don't know about any he gains they're trust And everytime they've had a fight with a villain they slowly develop and get stronger everytime they find a villain and we learn about the characters a lot my favorite is

JakeArmstrong/Stretch he's a nerd that tries to be responsible and make his dad happy he's a good person he's just still learning how to be a superhero and get through school by season 2 he's become responsible and relatable

Ricardo/Omi-Mass he's autually an interesting character he's always letting people down like when he didn't show up for Nathan's little sisters spelling bee when he promised he would but his life is actually complicated when we learn in season 2 what he's been going through he's been moving around and hasn't been making a lot of friends but in Charter City you really made a lot of friends and enjoyed himself there and his powers are amazing he can make his arms bigger and stronger it's very impressive!

Nathan/Wingspin Wow he has alot of siblings there isn't really alot but we know that his grandpa found out he was a Flex Fighters after Ricardo missed his sister spelling bee and he's autually helpful.

The Ending: It's so crazy we found out that Jonathan Rook Is Stretch Monster this hole time he's been creating all the villains The Flex Fighters had to stop and it's insane because The Flex Fighters are left with nothing but there suits and Dr C's Help

SEASON 2: This Season is so amazing it starts of with The Flex Fighters saving the day with no credit because they've been framed by Johnthan Rook and now that they've been framed saving the day is gonna be difficult there's alot of stakes in this season and I love how we still don't know everything and I like how The Tech Man returned in this season because it was hinted in season 1 there's more going on that we don't know about and Johnthan Rook and Kane was revealed to be Number 1 THE LEADER?! Of The Tech Man and They Have a plan to control everyone. And They Explain Rocks Origin I didn't really feel bad from him but I just loved that episode it adds alot of death to his character and why he is a villain one of my favorite episodes. After they explain his Orgin Story We the best season finale of the entire series with Erica Nathan's Girlfriend Having Super Powers This is the best season of the entire series!


Hope Netflix Renews This Series!
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