House M.D.: Fools for Love (2006)
Season 3, Episode 5
18 June 2021
Binge watching from Prime a show I haven't seen since it's original airing was one of my smarter moves. I love this show.

But after reading reviews, I was genuinely confused by how many people watch the show regularly, but hate the character House.

I can't relate to them. It's House's flaws that make him interesting. And different then most tv shows.

Every other show has a perfect lead character. And that's why I don't watch those shows. They're boring.

House may be a lot of things, but he's never boring.

This episode introduces Detective Tritter, a character that I love/hate. Love because he's played brilliantly by David Morse.

Hate because I think he's more of a bully then House ever was. And if I remember correctly, this is proven within the next few episodes.

No, I don't think House was at fault. Not even a little. Watching that David Morse stare, told me he was a hypocrite. . That's not easy as an actor. To come off as the victim, while being a bully himself. And he was definitely showing his character usually gets his way.

Some say House caused the ensuing dust up between the two.

Again, I don't. Maybe it's because Hugh is so amazing as House, I feel like I know the guy. But who knows?.

The other story line about a young couple was interesting, and had a surprising finish. No, I didn't see that coming.
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