Superman & Lois: O Mother, Where Art Thou? (2021)
Season 1, Episode 10
Best Superhero Media of 2021??
16 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If this is proof of a new era of Arrowverse writing, sign me up because I am all in! The Arrowverse shows haven't had writing this consistently good since The Flash season 1! To clarify, Legends of Tomorrow is a fluke. There's no reason Legends should be as good as it is for 6 seasons straight. Stargirl wasn't written by the CW's writers, so that's the explanation for Stargirl being as amazing as it was. I think the last season of the Arrowverse I was *this* invested in and excited for was Black Lightning season 1 back in 2017! To think that Black Lightning's first season is the only season written by the CW writers on the level of Superman and Lois so far is a testament to what the CW has become in the last few years.

For starters, every emotional blow landed this week. Whether it was Sarah going to see her dad, or Clark getting to see his mom for the first time since Krypton exploded, everything landed nicely and was really well done.

Normally, I'm not a huge fan of Sarah's teen angst in this series, but I think it was really well handled this week. Growing up in a household with an alcoholic father, I can totally see where she's coming from. For once she's not being irrational, and it's great! Do more like this! Let Inde Navarette do more emotional scenes, please! When she turned away from her father, horrified at what he'd become, I was about to cry! For context, I never cry! And then at the end of the episode when she got to see him again as he'd become human again, I was about to cry again! Overall, the Cushing family stuff was handled incredibly well this week in my opinion. Best showing for them since the pilot, probably.

So I didn't get the name of Not Edge this week since he said it once right at the beginning of the episode, but Not Edge is literally the opposite of Clark in every way! He wasn't nourished by the people of Earth like Clark was, causing him to become cynical and thrusting him into his mother's plan to resurrect Krypton. I really like his origin, despite the fact that the writers baited us with the possibility of him being a popular Superman villain. Well done with his origin story.

Also, I'm fairly sure the reason that he's always seen in the desert is because he has his own Fortress of Solitude out there. Because of course there's gonna be more parallels between him and Clark. That's so sick!

To run through a few minor things about the episode, of course Sam has a cage that doubles as a Kryptonian torture chamber. That makes sense, and is also awesome. Lana's role in the episode was well handled. She thinks a lot of what's happening is her fault, and I don't blame her for thinking that. The Kent brothers' dynamic is still great. Alex Garfin and Inde Navarette have great chemistry on screen together as always, and I've been waiting for them to get together since the pilot!

What can I say, man. This episode was phenomenal! Not a single thing dragging it down in my opinion. I know this series has a toxically positive fanbase, and normally I'm able to pick out one or two issues with the episode, but there's nothing I could find in this one that I didn't like! That's how good this episode was! This week, the praise is absolutely justified!

Now we just have to see if Stargirl follows suit with this series quality of writing, since I'm still terrified about what the CW could do to it. After this episode though, I'm a little more optimistic than I was before. You have my attention CW. Don't screw this up. Finish this show strong, and then give us a good second season for Stargirl.

10 / 10.
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