Fear the Walking Dead: The Beginning (2021)
Season 6, Episode 16
Decent Season (For The Most Part)
10 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I think that they did a good job with season 6 overall. But you gotta admit that the second half has some serious season-5-writing here and there. Episode 15 is a mess: Letting the bad guys go/alive just like that, surviving several walkers on top of you just like that - all these conveniences, all that plot armor... lazy writing, simple as that.

Well, the season 6 finale is not messing around and it's quite big - yet you can't deny that episode 15 destroyed a lot of this season's momentum. This final episode almost feels "undeserved".

The intro with Rachel was very bleak and actually pretty well-done! The actress did a great job.

I hated the scene between Dakota, Teddy, JD Senior and June. What is it with our group trying to save psychopaths? Having a well-written face-off between JD and Teddy would've been awesome and the writers missed out big time. The way Teddy eventually dies falls flat and let's be honest: Dakota's arc ever since episode 8 has been "I point a gun at everything and everyone!"

Teddy's storyline is also a letdown if you think about it - with the death he got, I mean. It didn't even surprise me that the writers decided to end the cult members' storyline like that - uninspired, uninteresting and extremely forgettable.

Dakota's end is epic and I'm probably going to re-watch this scene on YouTube several times.

The scenes with Dwight and Sherry actually surprised me a lot. Sherry's arc this season has been rocky and I was not a fan - but this episode made me like her again. Her regretful words felt very genuine and guys, can we appreciate Dwight for a moment? What a great dude!

The whole Strand situation is a mess... I actually hoped for his end this episode. Not sure what the writers' plans are for his character. It has neither depth nor anything else - he betrays, he is a friend, then he betrays again, etc. So over it! Plus, how did he and the guy he met survive in that skyscraper? Very unrealistic, not even the windows got destroyed.

Morgan and Grace, well... First of all I wonder how that situation played out when Morgan let Teddy, Dakota, Strand and Riley go the episode before. Did June, JD Sr, Grace, Sherry and Dwight just awkwardly stand there when they left the submarine? Ugh, episode 15 still leaves a bad taste in my mouth the more I think about these plotholes and bad writing decisions... Moving on to Grace and Morgan, I have to admit that it baffled me that they survived so easily just by jumping under the truck. But I'm not an expert, so I'll leave it at that.

The CRM stuff... First of all, I loved the Daniel action this episode. He is a very smart man. Also liked the Sarah screentime. Sadly, the actor who plays her brother Wendell couldn't make it on set during the second half of season 6 - but he'll be back in season 7! Moving on: The helicopter scene felt rushed and Al babbling cryptic stuff over the radio "the less you know the better" is just frustrating at this point. Throughout the franchise you get the impression that the writers, directors and developers don't even have one single clue as to where this CRM thing is going.

What could've been the show's best season is now (in my eyes) way behind season 3 (that season actually had momentum that paid off - when suddenly season 4 destroyed all of it). I understand the hype around season 6 but praising episodes like the penultimate one as a "masterpiece" or "one of the best in the franchise" is just a lie.
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