Pretty Weird, Kinda Tedious
10 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
While I understand the approach was meant to be strange and almost surreal, nothing was quite interesting enough to hold my complete attention. I think the idea would work with a few tweaks. The first part of the film has our two main characters walking around the mall and focussing their attention on a perfume store. The cannibal was very obviously following them and was acknowledged. It would've been scarier if only we (the audience) could see him in the background watching and stalking as the women continued their musical review of the mall. Instead it opens with shots of the cannibal and constantly shows all the characters together. The fact that he's constantly like only ten feet behind them makes him come off as friend-zoned and dimwitted. It was a bit disappointing considering his distorted mask has potential to make this scary. The later half of this film was a bit more what I was after. The shots of a woman sleeping along with a parallel to a rotting corpse was pretty creepy because it felt like it was foreshadowing. The cannibal's role was a bit more threatening later but I still wouldn't call him scary. When he talked, he sounded impaired. I guess the two main characters killing and eating him was unexpected but not shocking. They were weird too. Oddly enough, this takes away any element of horror I'd associated with the cannibal because now the main characters are just as bad. Maybe this was a bit too artsy for my taste, but I think it really had potential to be something scary if the directing was a bit better.
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