Terrible film with unsatisfying conclusion!
7 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Welp, i believe my title says it all. Icky torture film with inept cops and subtitles that merely refer to one of the victims as "black girl" ( although her name karen appears in credits.) Daniel baldwin is the over the top creep taunting police with pompous letters and an impressive victim count of 85 victims! How someone can abduct 85 women in one area and be home free leads me to believe the police force is seriously iq deficient and understaffed. At least we are spared the expected love subplot betwixt the leads.

The ending is so abrupt and stupid that it feels like they ran out of budget or shooting time and just said, screw it, we have enough footage, lets just cobble this junk together. It could have had a much better ending if the all the victims werent just pointlessly killed off after banding together to escape, and the good (not that bright) doctor getting kidnapped herself. (Although honestly, how could you not see that coming?) Hopefully there will not be a sequel despite the extremely loose conclusion. Although, if there is, i will definitely watch because crappy movies are kinda my thing.
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