Review of Them

Them (2021– )
When will we stop taking? Soon I hope
6 June 2021
I have to say that this programme has deeply effected me.

It is nuanced and layered programming that on the surface is a thriller but is actually so much more. As a white middle class man it speaks to a history of what we have done to all those we decided to keep under a heel of tyranny and injustice. I'm not American but my forbearers used slavery to line their pockets and make my country - England - powerful and rich. We did it in Africa, India, the Middle East and the Far East. Our European neighbours France, Holland, Germany, Italy amd Spain all did the same and then we exported this insidious belief in white supremacy to the new world. And wow did they run with it. That's the history that this series exposes in the harshest of lights. It made me feel sick to my soul that people I am genetically linked to thought and acted like this.

Massive respect to Little Marvin for writing such a powerful story, creating characters that embodied the hope, hate, prejudice, resilience, sadness, greed and misery of a past they could not escape and a future that could not be controlled. Congrats to all the cast who carry his vision through to such a brilliant outcome. Kudos too to Amazon for producing and financing such a powerful piece.

This series took the nightmare of what the American dream was and still is for so many and showed it to an audience who probably still has its head in the sand despite BLM and all that should change.

For the minuscule value that it may be, I was changed by this piece of art.
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