6 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Growing up in the 80s, this movie seemed like it was going to be a hot property. Susanna Hoffs was the it girl of the time, the lead singer of The Bangles, and seeing as how The Allnighter seemed like a teen sex comedy - it's a bit more of a coming of age film, but that wasn't how it was sold - everyone was beyond excited at the potential of seeing, well, a bit more of Ms. Hoffs. Look, we were in the throes of puberty and that type of behavior was still seen as healthy.

What we did not know was that her mother, Tamar Simon Hoffs, was directing the movie, which meant that there was no way we were getting a movie like Mischief.

Our heroines - Molly (Hoffs), Val (Deedee Pfeiffer) and Gina (Joan Cusack) are graduating college and starting their real lives, but for one last night, they explore where they are before they get where they are going. Molly wants true love. Val has it, but isn't sure if she wants it. Gina just wants to video tape everything.

Actually, if you think about it, Hoffs' character - trapped between an older man who is wrong for her and a young man who is wrong but a bit more right - is a lot like Lelaina Pierce in Reality Bites, while Cusack's non-stop filming and commenting on the lives of everyone else takes a bit of that character and Vickie Miner as well.

C. J., one of the boys in this movie, is of course John Terlesky from Chopping Mall, Deathstalker II and Appointment with Death. Michael Ontkean - Sherriff Harry S. Truman - is also on hand, as are Pam Grier and Meshach Taylor in quick cameos. And Edge of the Axe fans - well, that'd be me - Christina Marie Lane is in this in an extra role.

Oh yeah - Killer's date at the party, listed as Debi Lester - is adult film queen Debi Diamond. I don't know what it says about me that I instantly recognized her.
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