Patrick Stewart saves it from being terrible
6 June 2021
Captain Picard undergoes a medical procedure while Geordie is kidnapped.

This is a so-so episode that is just about saved by some strong character moments for Picard and an enjoyable performance from Patrick Stewart.

The story involves two plots that are not particularly well written, but Geordie's abduction by a group of obese, alien thickies mostly just irritates. The fact the Pakled are written as stupid is only ironic considering how silly the command decisions of the Enterprise bridge crew are. It's almost as if they were saying 'without Picard this crew is nothing', but really it's just unimaginative plotting. Luckily we only have to suffer this in between the strong scenes of dialogue we get from Picard and Wesley Crusher.

I find the shuttle sequence highly enjoyable and provides great insight into Picard's character and history. As this plot turns into serious drama it loses its edge as none of the suspense works when we are expected to consider a character's life might be in danger.

I enjoyed the performances of Patrick Stewart and Will Wheaton as they made the best of the strongest material in the script.
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