Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
The greatest thing since sliced bad.
6 June 2021
We really are going to be talking about this show for the rest of our lives aren't we.

Breaking Bad really is something else, I never watched it in full until last year, probably for the best because there were so many cruel cliffhangers in the show, one in particular lasting for almost a year, the show really likes playing cruel games with the viewer and I like that. Something that Breaking Bad is really good at is that it made me care about the characters on a level that very few shows or movies have. There really isn't that many other shows where I would question so many variable and possible outcomes for Walt and his realationships, just how many possible ways a scenario would play out or the consequesnces of every action or how differently something would have played out. Hardly any shows would make me even care about something like that at all.

The world and characters this show has created is so layered yet believable in its setting of Albuquerque and makes you feel like you're really there with the characters. Every plot point and emotion delivered perfectly. Some people say that it is too drawn out but i think the pacing of the show and story was just right. Everything that happened or was focused upon in Breaking Bad's overall arcs and story all had a purpose and payoff for being there. Every character and situation you care about, and every following season raising the stakes and more tense and enthralling than the last. It also has probably the most emotionally explosive and intense final season in television history, but I'll let you be judge of that

Everyone should see it. Every actors performance was spot on and I hope Vince Gillian never stops writing for Film and Television.
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