Review of Pen Pals

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Pen Pals (1989)
Season 2, Episode 15
I think this is an underrated episode
5 June 2021
Data makes contact with a little girl on the surface of a planet being studied by Enterprise.

This is a strong episode with a great look at leadership and the ethical decisions leaders have to make.

The plot is heavy handed in how the themes are presented, but it's an effective look at command from the perspective of the a young inexperienced ensign and a seasoned ship's captain. In the same breath it makes good use of the prime directive in the story's main dilemma.

I imagine many young leaders have been in the position of commanding older and more experienced colleagues. I know I can identify with the position Wesley is put in during 'Pen Pals', so the episode is worth watching for the realism and good advice he receives during his moments of self doubt.

The Data story puts Picard in an equally difficult position but with enormous challenges in terms of ethical decision making and what's at stake. Data, Pulaski and the other commanders give strong contributions to the problems at hand.

I enjoyed this visuals, with decent use of locations for the holodeck scenes and some good set design for the planet surface sequences.

Personally I thought cast were on good form with all giving equally good contributions aside from Patrick Stewart who always stands out as an excellent performer.
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