Review of Death Kiss

Death Kiss (2018)
Kiss of Death
4 June 2021
Yes I know this is meant as a stab at Death Wish ... there's a reason that our main actor looks like Charles Bronson too. His dubbed voice also might remind people of him. And when I say dubbed, I mean in the english and therefor original version of the film.

And while he has the optics of the late great Bronson ... I highly doubt anyone will compare those two in anything else than looks. It almost saddens me to say that I while I really tried to like the low budget nature of this (and there are things to love or hate depending on your own taste, like the CGI blood, the nudity, the violence in general), there is so much wrong with this that I can't really rate this higher.

Yes I am aware that many "classic" movies did not have much more of a story than this has. And maybe for some this will be more than enough ... even the way too long scenes will not bother some ... but if you are honest to yourself ... even with under 90 minutes running time this has more flat moments than .. well you fill in the blank and make it PC or non PC ...
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