A Beautifully Cathartic Film
2 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know they made movies like this before. And how good of Will Smith to appear leading a superb cast in this sad, life-affirming film. Smith leads a phenomenal cast in a story of a man who is completely lost following the death of his young daughter. Will Smith has been in so many commercial successes that he's more than earned the right to do something like COLLATERAL BEAUTY. And look at the cast that was drawn to the film--Edward Norton, Kate Winslet, Kiera Knightly, the astonishing Helen Mirren, Michael Pena, Naomie Harris, Jacob Lattimore are all wonderful. The film is confidently under the guidance of director David Frankel (Band of Brothers, The Devil Wears Prada). Allen Loeb's script avoids the pitfall of bathos with wit and a deep humanity. It's especially cathartic during this long Pandemic, which we can all use a good cry and not feel embarrassed by it.
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