Le Monstre (2019)
One Word-Pathetic
30 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie should have had me pulling for this unfortunately abused women.....based on a true story. There has to be some serious mental illness in this women for repeatedly getting out and then going right back in. I'm sorry, I don't buy the "because I love him" excuse. This man was brutal and just down right evil....and you love him? He had NO redeeming qualities worth some one loving him. Beating her, sending videos of him making out with some skank, letting his friends rape her, provides medication for her to commit suicide and she goes back because she loves him. The real victims in this story are parents, sister, friends, employer and detective. They went to great lengths to remove her from this evil man and she lied to them, still communicated with him and then returned to his abusiveness. I don't know what the intended message was for this film but It missed the mark by a mile. I stop feeling sorry for her after the fight her dad had with the monster. And the series ended with no attention given to what happened to the husband. I'll give good marks to Mehdi Meskar for his performance as the husband. He truly made you hate this character. This movie left me feeling empty and frustrated. No joy in it at all.
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