A mini Spider-Man origin movie featuring MJ, Mysterio, JJJ and Detective Terri Lee
28 May 2021
After having watched MCU's Spider-Man Far From Home and Sam Raimi's Spider-Man, this episode will trigger a lot of those memories given its content, themes and characters but all told from a new interpretation closer to the comics in character design and aesthetic. Although the other live-action adaptations weren't too far off.

Overall, this episode has a bit of excess of exposition and information dumps but they all remain interesting and flesh out the characters well. A much needed backstory without having to spend too much time on an origin story "as old as time". Great animation, plot development, characterization and most importantly, for a Spider-Man episode, a rounded episode; that is, showing Spider-Man in action, interesting "new villain", Peter's slice of life problems and romantic interests. As a comicbook adaptations from those out there, it doesn't get any better than this. (BTW: Not the best episode of the show but it's these episodes that make you remember what's great about the character's world)
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