Review of Bug House

Monsters: Bug House (1990)
Season 3, Episode 3
Great episode. Just the kind of yucky nastiness I love.
27 May 2021
Ellen goes to find her sister May who she hasn't seen in years, her car breaks down and she goes the rest of the way to discover that May is pregnant and living with a strange man by the name of Peter in and old house. Ellen believes May needs to leave, but, she doesn't want to go and despite May's constant attempts to get Ellen to leave she stays with dire consequences. This is just a nasty fun episode that I can remember watching back in the day. I wasn't for sure this series could give me another 9 or 10 star episode (my last was Mannequin's of Horror from season one) but it defiantly delivered here, the sense of dread that builds threw out this keeps you wondering until the end which boasts some nice slimy creature effects and makeup, the twist you may see coming, but, dang if it doesn't go along great with the nastiness of it all.
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