Review of The Child

Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Child (1988)
Season 2, Episode 1
Mixed bag of an episode but generally underrated
27 May 2021
Deanna Troi is made pregnant by a non-corporeal life form as the Enterprise transports dangerous plague samples.

This is an interesting episode with some strong character moments but has some problems.

The story has been criticised for a lack of plausibility, particularly for Troi developing an attachment in a short space of time. Personally I did not find that a huge issue as the scene with other crew members discussing her pregnancy is done in such an effective way it makes her reaction and subsequent arc fairly plausible. The fact of those particular characters (in 24th century Star Trek universe) would actually have such a conversation is less plausible. In fact it feels entirely out of character for all of them. I'm guessing it was included by the writers as an unsubtle message of support for a mother's right to choose.

For me it is a good Troi episode and a vast improvement on her involvement in the first series, where she mainly slowed down plot lines for some rather pointless emotional analysis. The only real problem I think is the simple resolution and lack of follow up to a seemingly traumatic experience. Also, the sub plot involving the plague samples is okay but it feels a bit contrived to get that easy conclusion to the Troi plot.

There are some decent character introductions such as Guinan and Dr Pulaski. A philosophical bartender feels a more natural avenue for crew members to seek solace than the previous season tactic of Troi forcing her council on everyone. Dr Polaski seems a stronger and more interesting character in this episode than Dr Crusher did in the entirety of her first stint aboard Enterprise. Although I hate that terrible exposition line of dialogue where Picard explains Dr Crusher's absence in one sentence.

The visuals are strong, with better effects and cinematography than the first series being quite apparent. Easily the most cinematic sequence is that one focussing on Troi and her maternal body language as the other commanders discuss her and the baby.

The acting is solid from all, with the standout being Marina Sirtis, who gives her best performance of the show so far. Will Wheaton is also good until he dons the smug grin at the end. Caryn Johnson fits the part of Guinan like a glove having such a warm, easily relatable persona. Diana Muldaur has a strong presence as Pulaski.

For me it is a 6.5/10 but I round upwards.
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