Never Look A Gift Horse In The Mouth...as they say!
25 May 2021
Its a film adaptation of the Derib and Job comics and the 2005 French television series. Its a kind of coming of age story which shows how a young Sioux Indian boy, Yakari, becomes friends with the wild and non tameable stallion 'Petit Tonnerre' (Little Thunder). And along the way he wins his first feather of courage from his Spirit Guide, the Great Eagle.

Its a French, Belgian and German CGI animation collaboration, and it has a look and feel to it of the richly colour Disney movies of the early 20th century; but with a cleverly constructed 3D outlook!. The characters are superbly original and have both interesting and lovable screen time amidst the fantastic - and many - backdrop scenery. For me I think there is no doubt at all that children the world over will love this, and will make this one a cartoon classic (a lot of those children will be the grown ups who will lavish in old memories that it will stir up within them).

The reason I have given it an 8 star is down to my art background and a couple of (what I thought were) historical/technical errors. Not much to the many viewers I am sure but that's just me!

Strange how a french film would choose a Sioux tribe of America for this story as, they had nothing to do with each other during the time of the French and British wars of 1789 in Americas new world etc. The Indians who fought for/with the French were of the Algonquin, Huron, and Montagnais tribes.

Anyway go see this wonderful film and score big kudos with your kids!
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