Love, Death & Robots: Snow in the Desert (2021)
Season 2, Episode 4
Snowflake's chance in hell.
24 May 2021
Netflix's "Love, Death and Robots" series returns for a second run. Overall, I enjoyed the first season and wrote short individual reviews for each episode and I think I'll take the same approach here.

Snow (Peter Franzen) is a wanted man on the desert planet that he lives on. As bounty hunters' corner him in a bar, he's saved by Hirald (Zita Hanrot). Having followed him back to his remote camp, Hirald explains that she represents an intelligence service, interested in exploring Snow's regenerative abilities. However, before Snow can decide if he wishes to go with her, they are attacked by another Bounty hunter team.

From the same Director as last seasons "Beyond the Aquila Rift" this is again a strikingly beautiful short, there is no other word for the animation other than truly amazing work. This is also a gory addition to the series, with plenty for violent death and dismemberment.

Storyline wise it's a little underwhelming though. Again it's short, so doesn't really have the time to explain everything about it's world and set up - but I felt I could have done with a bit more to it, maybe another deeper twist, or something along those lines.

Cannot argue with the technical capability of the episode though.
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