Neither bad nor great, just run of the mill Roman polanski with bad acting
24 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Writing, direction, cinematography, score and acting are pillars of a good movie but the acting bears a great load when there is such a small cast. 3 actors have to share the 90 minutes screen time and all have to share the screen time equally since there is no place for a minor character in a 3 character movie.

Here lies the biggest issue with this movie. The devious yet convincing, brutal but emotional character was played by a person that has acting range no better than a bag of rocks. Ben kinglsy is just Ben kingsly in every role he is cast in, and that holds true in this movie as well. Take the final monologue, it was written for an actor that, seeing his sure death, first breaks down and starts repenting and admitting to horrible things he has done (emotions: breakdown and regret) and as he starts explaining the stuff his emotions take a turn and he starts to express how he actually liked it (emotion: triumph) and then to save his skin he reverts back to repenting (emotion: regret again). BUT, the actor just goes thought his whole thing talking like a robot. Just imagine the monotonous tone a text to speech engine would produce and you get ben kingly's monologue. Sorry, but this was plain bad acting and the biggest let down of the movie.
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