Star Trek: The Next Generation: Coming of Age (1988)
Season 1, Episode 18
Best episode of Series 1 so far
23 May 2021
Enterprise faces an internal review and Wesley goes through Starfleet recruitment tests.

This is a strong episode with an excellent story and a number of great character moments.

The story has two interesting plot threads that are similar in theme and unfold superbly with the lead characters coming together at the end for a nice moment of reflection. Another strength is that it displays good continuity with other episodes with a number references that help the Star Trek universe feel connected.

Several characters have moments to shine. Picard is especially strong as he displays great leadership throughout and one incredibly cool moment that impresses everyone.

It's enjoyable to see Riker's hostility to outside inspections. This is written in a way that brings out his pride in Enterprise and extreme loyalty to Picard.

Other crew members have solid moments under interrogation, such as Dr Crusher, Data, Troi, Worf and Geordie. These scenes are very well done, particularly the ones that seamlessly transition between each other.

Certain aspects of what happens are slightly predictable, but for me it does not diminish the level of entertainment.

The visuals are quite effective with some great makeup effects and costuming of one character. There are some action based moments that work well. The strongest aspect of the episode is the editing as there is a perfect balance between the two plots and generally great pacing.

Performances are great with Patrick Stewart and Will Wheaton leading their character arcs well. All the series regulars such as Jonathan Frakes, Gates McFadden, Michael Dorn, Brent Spiner, Marina Sirtis and LeVar Burton contribute well.
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