Wakefield (2021)
21 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I guess they're paying ABC to write glowing reviews now. I've been wanting to watch this for a while and it finally streamed a few nights ago. I watched all but the last episode and fell asleep. Up until then I thought it was decent. I read all the reviews except the spoilers. What twist ending??? Am I missing something???Maybe SPOILERS

I knew he was the reason for the brothers death just not how. Was that the big twist reveal?!? I thught perhaps he was a patient the whole time? Omar? I first thought his brother drowned but lived and was Omar? I don't remember him ever wearing staff clothes? It would have been better if all the staff were patients and the patients staff for crying out loud and no the musical scenes weren't necessary to tell the story. Only character I really like was the guitar player( forget his name) . Any ways disappointed in the end.
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