Star Trek: Voyager: One Small Step (1999)
Season 6, Episode 8
A clunky attempt to advance Seven and Chakotay's characters
20 May 2021
One aspect of Voyager I appreciate is that episodes focusing on one character are just as likely to focus on that character's foibles as on their heroism, and I find this to be realistic and relatable.

But here, attempts to flesh out Chakotay's back story and Seven's emotional development fall flat. Chakotay is suddenly a Mars exploration aficionado, even though he said nothing of the sort when presented with the opportunity on a recent episode entirely about the Mars missions, 11:59 (1999).

He also suddenly has a passion for paleontology, despite never having mentioned this in past discussions of his early life and time in Starfleet. We already knew he left Starfleet after his father's death caused him to re-evaluate his priorities, and here he states that joining the Maquis derailed his pursuit of paleontology. Yet one would assume at that point he would already have taken major steps toward this career--there has never been any indication Starfleet expects its scientists to delay their advanced training. These new interests felt contrived, and it would have helped if Chakotay directly connected them--such as stating he was interested in the history of space exploration specifically because it can lead to exobiological or paleontological study of life on other planets; but since he didn't draw this connection his new passions were odd.

Disobeying orders isn't exactly out of character for Chakotay, as some of his best episodes involved his decision to pursue his own course, like in Maneuvers (1995). The problematic aspect of his behavior here that felt out of character is that he kept stopping other characters to chat even though they were facing a major time crunch to save their lives, like when he waylaid Seven on her way to the Mars module in order to slowly explain his regrets about the mission and ask her to look around the module for sentimentality's sake.

Captain Janeway also irked a little, acting arrogant and condescending when Seven questioned the wisdom of entering the anomaly and even pulling rank on her in such an unnecessary way ("I appreciate your concern, but this is my call"). I'm a historian, and even I got frustrated with the crew's repeated insistences that recovering historical artifacts would allow them to be part of history, and thus was worth risking their lives. This is one of many episodes where Seven has to learn a lesson, yet here, her objections were always reasonable and the crew's responses to her were not lessons I would have her learn.
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