House of Deadly Secrets (2018 TV Movie)
For "Rhoda" the girl version of Damien to be in this
19 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so boring and bad. The Bad Seed is a classic, so you'd almost think by hiring Patty McC, the writers and producers would take advantage of it. Another movie that probably looked better on paper.

One of the issues with these movies is that so many of the villains are waifs or elderly. They always get the upper hand on their victims w/o any struggle at all. Could this happen in real life? Sure. Is this believable on screen? Absolutely not. This old lady is skulking around the home with the family in it, and mind you, it's an old creaking boards? She keeps breaking into their home Is she a ghost? One of early scenes involved the protag finding a squatter in her house...but then Sylvia is able to waltz right in. I guess Maggie wasn't scared enough to lock the doors? OH! And she also breaks grandma's neck w/her bare hands. And she stabs a man and drags his big burly body on her own. I mean what is this? I'm also supposed to believe this lady can take a wooden spoon and have enough power to stab a man? Another irritating thing about these movies is that the characters almost NEVER connect a new person in their lives with all the death and destruction around them. It's pathetic.

This movie would have been better if they literally lifted all of Rhoda's methods of killing from The Bad Seed. Ice for slip n falls, beating someone with shoes, and fires. That would have been way more believable than what they produced. This also could have been a decent tv ghost/horror movie, but the clownish ways of the villain and the general bad acting makes that impossible. Patty is great and her villain breakdown is good.'ll figure out the plot anyway, so what was the point of moving out of the house after the daughter's death? If you have secrets wouldn't you stay there and not move to another house in the neighborhood? Also, Lifetime loves to have movies involving house flips. They really know how to run something into the ground.
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