Wild Nordic (2019)
45 min of tourist commersial for Norway
19 May 2021
I watched wild Russia and had high hopes for this documentary. But the first episode is mostly just about how Norway is the best country in the world, a lot of references to Vikings. Apparently E V E R Y T H I N G is Viking in Norway. Apart from an Eagle in the beginning, some goats and a flash of a cod and a seagull there are no animals in the documentary. Even when the narrator is talking about cod, it's mostly close-ups of gritty fishermen (and references to vikings). Other than that it's just viking roads, viking buildings, viking people viking doing viking sports, and some (viking) geology. Mostly dudes talking about their passions, and a narrator with the most awkward Norwegian/English accent ever who inserts the word viking in every other sentence. So if you're wondering where to go on vacation it's a great informative commercial. If you want to learn something about the wild nordic... not so much. Oh... did I mention vikings???
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