Dangerous Lady: Episode #1.2 (1995)
Season 1, Episode 2
The Phoenix rises from the ashes.
18 May 2021
Having been through a horrifying experience, Maura decides that it's time to fight back.

After Part One I was left with the question of who exactly was The Dangerous Lady, after this episode, I am left in no doubt, it is quite clear who the dangerous lady is, Maura's transformation from shrunken violet to femme fatale had been remarkable, not just physically.

In the early stages, I thought this was going to be the Jason Isaacs show, with strong supporting performances, now though, my opinion has changed, it's become the Susan Lynch show, and her performance is terrific.

Moody, atmospheric, they had truly captured the era, it looks great, and the music is in keeping.

It's excellent, 8/10.
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