Dickinson: Fame Is a Fickle Food (2021)
Season 2, Episode 2
Let them Eat Cake
17 May 2021
In this episode, Emily sets out to win the Amherst baking contest, and she won't settle for second place. However, winning poses a protentional bigger problem because if Emily wins, she will get her name placed in the newspaper with her recipe. Sue doesn't think Emily should be known for her poetry and not her cooking. Emily is unsure if she wants to be known to the world as a poet. The episode also introduces a possible love interest for Emily, which I am unsure of how I feel about that. While this episode at times feels a little like filler, it does a good job establishing new plotlines while still keeping up the dun Dickinson vibe. Once again, Hailee's performance is amazing. She brings such incredible energy to the role and seamlessly conveys a variety of different emotions all at once.
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