Hitchcock's "Jean de Florette".
15 May 2021
Just to be clear, this is absolutely nothing like 'Jean de Florette' in terms of plot. I mean more in terms of cinematography: it's absolutely beautifully shot, with lots of countryside views to enjoy as the slow but cheerful story moves on.

That aside however, I went into 'The Trouble With Harry' with little expectation as it is certainly one of Hitchcock's more understated ones. Turns out it is a hidden gem. It is perfect if you need some Hitchcock comfort food: wonderful location, compelling characters, a witty and engaging plot, a dead body, an amusing ending, and just the epitome of 'feel-good'. Nothing particularly bad happens in it at all. (Somebody casually dies in the opening credits, but it transpires that not one character cares, so it becomes very easy for the audience to follow suit!) Shirley MacLaine stars in her first film role (imagine landing your first ever film with Alfred Hitchcock!) and does a very good job, although her role is of course not quite as extensive as in her later films. The acting is of a high standard throughout (it does of course have something of a theatrical nature, but it is not unwelcome).

Overall, this film is what you get if you take 'Jean de Florette', remove all the sadness, combine it with Shakespeare's "Comedy of Errors", add in a dead body and plenty of bonkers humour, and add in all your usual Hitchcock staples. That man could definitely tell a good story and this is no exception.

(Just keep your eyes peeled for his cameo. It's a 'blink-and-you'll-miss-it' moment.)
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