There's no assurance in insurance.
12 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Capital a, little a. No letter R in this particular month. Those are the excuses that Leon Errol finds when his car is stolen and he tries to report it to his insurance company. Of course, it's all a rib, caused by a group of friends of his who have gotten him involved in a group of practical jokers, and this is the initiation he gets. He can't find anybody at the insurance company that understands his plite, and even though he explains it clearly, they deliberately go out of their way to mess up the information he gives.

This is a good opportunity to see Leon Errol going to Edgar Kennedy territory as he demonstrates his ability for the slow burn. Anybody who was ever dealt with the overofficious representatives of any kind of public service agency will relate to the convoluted way in which they deal with their customers, speaking English in a way that immediately confuses people and makes them want to just walk out and not continue with the claim or a request for service. Perhaps a little too true, you'll feel as frustrated as he does by the end of the short, but after thinking about it, you won't be able to stop yourself from laughing over the ironies.
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