Angelo Moore Gets the Recognition He Deserves
12 May 2021
It's time for Angelo Moore to get the recognition he deserves, as an American artist and an icon on his generation. As the lead singer of Fishbone, and as his spoken word and solo music alter-ego, Dr. Madd Vibe, Angelo has influenced countless singers and performers who came after him. A musical style-bender, Angelo is considered one of the best live performers of all time and the footage is here in the film to prove it. How did he (and Fishbone) get passed over by modern music history? Fishbone are sub-culture heroes.

The director, Tisa Zito, captures a slice Angelo's life in Los Angeles, CA (Lost Assholes, as Angelo calls it). She also sprinkles in a bit of his history through interviews with his family, Norwood Fisher (Fishbone bassist), and other bandmates. We also meet Angelo's daughter, Cheyenne Star Forever Moore (because everything in Angelo's life is a creative expression, even his daughter's name). We learn the background of Dr. Madd Vibe and see a bit of footage from back in the days of solo Dr. Madd Vibe poetry tours. We get some perspective of Angelo's place in black history though interviews with leading black music and culture historians.

In terms of cinematography, the documentary is a mix of film footage and photography. But you never feel like you're simply looking at photos. The director spans each picture and brings it to life with interesting stories from Angelo and his people. Visually, the film matches Angelo's electric personality. Tisa Zito brings you up close and personal with Angelo and it feels like you're spending a week with the man himself. By the end of the film, Angelo feels like a friend and whether you've been a fan for years or this is the first time you've ever heard of him, you're on his side, rooting for his success. Angelo is magnetic, and even through a screen he pulls you towards him and into his world full of Madd Vibes. Thanks Ms. Zito, for helping us get there.
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