The Ripper (2019)
11 May 2021
The thing about horror-comedy is that it doesn't work if it's not funny.

I'm someone who generally appreciates heavy music, so the premise had my attention from the start. And I was amused by the tongue-in-cheek jibe, partway through, about the nature of this music.

Even considering those few lines of noteworthy dialogue, though - already only 5 minutes long, 'The ripper' could stand to be a couple minutes shorter.

The effects are okay. The actors are fine. The concept is fair. But the shtick grows tiresome quickly. The horror comes in the form of short bursts of visual flair, the mild comedy wears thin, and all that's left is conversation. Between the rhythm guitarist initially explaining why a solo just isn't his thing, and the subsequent discussion between him and the bassist, there's a lot of talking without any notable punch.

I'd like to check out other features from those involved, but it turns out that I had better things to do than watch 'The ripper.'
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