Review of Tenet

Tenet (2020)
Confusing and t's not just the science
10 May 2021
First, the movie got better immediately once we turned the subtitles on, I suggest that strategy for more comprehension.

You could blame a lot of the confusion on the science of time travel, entropy and time loops and whatever the hell "pinches" are but that's not the worst issue. The worst issue is that 90% of the film is characters talking the exposition of the film. If your plot is mostly dialogue, you are being told what to see, what to care about, who the characters and their motivations are. Don't tell, show, isn't that film 101? This is a tendency of Nolan's films and sometimes it works. You get a lot of dialogue as the characters walk on streets and chat in restaurants and then you get high adrenaline action scenes. Not a lot of building story or character development. It's his formula. But this is the worst execution of that. The science is murky and lazy, the characters are mostly boring and one dimensional and the movie drags on and on.

Could have been good, there's potential in the premise, we all love s good sci Fi time travel movie. This fell flat.
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