Line of Duty: Episode #6.7 (2021)
Season 6, Episode 7
An intelligent ending
5 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Don't be taken in by the , frankly, ridiculous, attention seeking low marks for this final episode.

It is incredibly thought provoking and serious in it's outcome. AC-12 were fighting a long battle that in all liklihood they would never win. "Sometimes you don't lose, you just run out of time" says a downbeat Ted and he is absolutely right.

The reveal of who the 4th man was, needs thinking about, if you wanted a big bad, and there were a couple of candidates such as Osbourne or Carmichael, yes, you will be disappointed, but they would have have been even more ridiculous than those who are claiming the real ending is ridiculous.

Now we know it is Buckles we have set about watching it all again and it makes pure sense. Most people in the real world are promoted one or two stations above their skill levels, why should a disparate crime syndicate be any different.

Buckles didn't climb the ladder, he fell up it as more skilled, dangerous and deceitful coppers were nabbed by Ted or killed by the OCG. By being underestimated (quite rightly) by people on and off screen (it can't be Buckles he's an idiot) he always crept off early to consolidate his position.

So ignore the thoughtless reviews who want the obvious, the DieHard reviews who want shoot out after shoot out and the romantic reviews who want the most hated character to be the lynchpin. Think about it and realize why it was always the guy in the background, the muppet who couldn't spell, the guy who always wanted to go home on time. He was there from series 01, getting in the way, making an pain of himself, doing the wrong thing. Others came and went, but at the end of the day, what held everything up was Buckles.

Most Definately.
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