Death Run (1987)
Armageddon comes to Great Britain.
4 May 2021
Who knows who started the war. Two once great superpowers fought a war over minerals but when the missiles started flying one thing was certain, the only way anyone could survive this was by going underground. Two people are frozen in time. Adam and Eve who will repopulate the earth. They enter into suspended animation only to emerge in a world that has been destroyed by nuclear radiation. Will the couple survive in this post apocalyptic world? Will this new Adam and Eve be part of a new fair society? As the movie progresses we get to see amazing sights that no human has ever seen before. We get to witness the awe and majesty of life lived to it truest potential. With that the story begins.

The two venture forth with their survival equipment. Though this is where the fun begins in that way that only Murphy can dole out. It is after an atom war what would you do? Hey lets go camping? No chance. Where is my mini gun and mega mini nuke mines to ward off intruders? No a tent. With predictable and charming results. The capers these two get involved in.

Murphy put the low into low budget with this movie and it is all the better for it. You have mutants, raiders and insanely evil games hence the title of Death run. Also, you have his usual cast of great actors who chose to stay in England and be film stars (B movie stars) rather than accept the ignominy of vast riches and mansions in Hollywood.

Jokes aside, this is the holy grail of British B movies. I had to search around for years to procure a copy of it. It has already had 2 watches. There is so much black humour in this movie and you can get loads of evil laughs seeing what happens to two innocents in a world populated by monsters.

Also, strangely, this movie is nearly the exact plot of the ID software game Rage.

With a bigger budget this movie would have been a smash. As it is, it is up there with his other movies which a low budget classics.
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