A childhood favourite, still fun even if it's silly
4 May 2021
Like about 20 movies in total, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie was for some period of time my favourite movie. I really liked the style, the colours, the energy, the basic concept, the action, the comedy, etc. Much of that still holds up today although it's very flimsy - not much is to be found in deeper meaning or originality.

Ebert is right that the characters don't have much individual personality, but that hardly matters. Their teamwork and positive attitudes shine through. Even though it's cliched, at least it's a good message for kids. They do fun things like skydive and roller blade (something I've recently been learning in my mid-30s), all while being safe and wearing their assigned colours. I don't see why they need issues to be more interesting. Nor do I think they need majorly different roles to play. As it is, we at least get Tommy who is a leader and Kimberly who is more sentimental.

The action is enjoyable, especially with some good music to go with it. It's harmless fun with many ridiculous physics-defying moves - a lot of flying kicks and spinning.

Visually, the movie holds up well. The costumes are cool - all different and shiny, including the goodies and the baddies. The special effects are dated but the designs of the zords and robots are cool, all of them newly introduced in this movie.

The music is surprisingly good and underused if anything. The action songs are decent, fit the choreography and don't disrupt the flow, but the orchestral score is even better.

The plot is very thin and full of holes. Apparently the Rangers can casually teleport to other planets and Ivan Ooze's bird monsters can also fly through space with ease. And I didn't know that comets were fireballs which you could throw enemies at. At least the movie hits the right beats and we don't get buried in melodrama or exposition - the story just keeps moving and focuses on the action, comedy and excitement.

Paul Freeman is clearly having fun as the main villain. He gets many funny lines including one he apparently ad-libbed - that he was disappointed to have missed The Brady Bunch Reunion (he likes being around for disasters). As an adult, his performance is the main highlight although the action and some of the comedy is also sincerely entertaining.

I can see that the movie isn't quite as flawless as it felt when I was 10 years old, but it was good enough to engage me and still generate some laughs and smiles. It embraces its goofy, safe, feel-good action and does it well.
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