Fiction Trying To Be Fact - But Good Fiction
2 May 2021
This angle was a good angle and I watched it thinking it actually happened. However, I was surprised at how honest it was about the real truthful feelings about motivations.

However, without babbling, I will just make one note about the interactions. Sam Cooke wanted the recipe not just a piece of the pie. This was all about power and money because they knew in the end, your life amounts to nothing unless you have resources. Nothing wrong with that and it applies to everyone.

However, what I took note of especially was how Sam Cooke was a much more powerful influence and did more positive things because Sam had a job, he created a product. What did Malcolm X do? Self Promotion.

That should be duly noted in everyone's mind because in the end Life has the final say about how you turn out and it determines it by what you project to the world.

Malcolm X was a great motivator. But he was a narcissist and had this notion of my way or the highway. It would end his life early as he didn't pick his battles wisely. Something worth noting if you wish to take something from his life other than the obvious.
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