27 April 2021
Just amazing.

I saw that this film had been compared to Donnie Darko, which was a big selling point for me. Initially, I only watched about ten minutes and had to switch off because my attention wasn't on it. Having watched it in its entirety now, I actually think the film's similarity to Donnie Darko is limited. On the surface, they have similar themes, but the tone, acting and cinematography are miles apart. The ending of They Look Like People is also completely different, and in my opinion far less ambiguous than the ending of Donnie Darko. I wasn't left searching the internet for explanations and falling into rabbit holes after watching They Look like People the way I was after Donnie Darko. That being said, I certainly wasn't disappointed.

They Look Like People is a bit slow moving, so definitely not for everyone. Personally, I think this slowness adds tension and makes the film feel more real. It almost feels like you're watching the characters in real time at some points, though this obviously is not the case. I think it lends credit to the film that it is still so exciting while the pace is quite slow. The casting, particularly of Evan Domouchel as Christian and MacLeod Andrews as Wyatt, is brilliant.

The fact that for most of the film only three characters (Wyatt, Christian and Margaret Ying Drake as Mara) get the majority of the screen times adds to the sense of isolation and loneliness for Wyatt and Christian. At the same time, the camerawork and editing have an almost found footage feel which makes it feel like you are there with the two main characters. This illusion of being in the same space as Wyatt and Christian makes it easier to empathise with them. What's more, the plot keeps you in the dark the whole way through which places you in the same position as Wyatt - questioning reality itself.

I have a feeling that I will love this film even more after rewatching it, and I am excited to do so. If you do watch this film, I recommend making sure you have time to give it your full attention so that none of the atmosphere is lost.
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