Mortal Kombat (2021)
Entertaining film that paid homage to the original
26 April 2021
I didn't know what to expect with this iteration of Mortal Kombat, but it did not disappoint. Within the exception of Johnny Cage, all the main characters from the original are in this movie, just playing different roles or versions of themselves. Unlike the original in which the film is situationally driven (fight scene, brief dialogue, immediately another fight scene) the 2021 Mortal Kombat is character driven. This allows for a better balance in the film between fight scenes and exposition, making it ultimately more enjoyable. Unlike some of the other misleading reviews, there were many fatalities in the film, and the movie has a very high rewatch ability factor. The aspect I enjoyed the most was the strong effort by the makers of this film to include nearly all the elements from the original, while putting their own spin on interpreting them (I.e scorpion using a blade attached to rope rather then rope shooting out of his hand). While the original will always be a guilty pleasure, the higher budget of the 2021 version paired with the R rating and more effort into making a complex plot just makes it a better film.
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