Doctor Who: Dalek (2005)
Season 1, Episode 6
The Best Dalek Episode of the Reboot.
26 April 2021
Of all the dalek serials since the Doctor Who reboot in 2005, this is, in my opinion the best. I was lucky enough to be a child when this came out and its one of the few to stick with you (in a good way - not like "Boom Town"). The threat is there from the beginning and it's difficult to decide whether to be more afraid of the dalek or the fear/rage of Christopher Eccleston's Ninth Doctor!

The design of the animatronic dalek is brilliant and its infinitely superior to the CGI version in "Into the Dalek". It seems a shame that the rough CGI returned in comparison to the hard work and effort of the Series 1 dalek. Best episode of series 1 too.
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