Days Gone (2019 Video Game)
The Critics Got This One Wrong
25 April 2021
I want to start off by saying, I absolutely love this game!

However, I almost didn't check it out. Shortly after it was released I saw some reviews float my way that were less than ideal for a game I was interested in and followed decently close.

I was a bit sad to see game critics rate it things like, "Just Okay." And "Wait for a sale."

So I did just that. I waited for a sale.

I am a big advocate for supporting releases at launch. Especially if they are from a franchise I love.

Days Gone wasn't a franchise (yet) but I knew it had potential.

After spending 80+ hours it it's world, with its characters I was sad that I let the critics steer me away from supporting a game I was absolutely in love with. Days Gone is title I have returned to time and time again, because what it gets right, it absolutely nails.

The world building is incredible. Everything feels like it was lived in, offering an immersive experience that similar titles can't always accomplish. The characters are interesting and perfect for the world of days gone. No one is really good, but some are definitely bad. A lot of people are just doing what they can to get by. Which is realistic given the circumstances.

I will say, the mission structure can get a bit repetitive and boring and certain stretches of the map do feel a bit dry, but the excitement of discovering a new horde or finding a nice view or area, more than make up for it.

The combat is a ton of fun! Takes me back to the old CoD Zombies days. Setting traps, running circle routes and knowing when to turn and face a group of enemy's shakes up the way combat situations generally play out in most third person action adventure titles. The guns feel good and the melee combat is weighty and satisfying.

The resource management can be somewhat frustrating at times, but overall adds a fun mechanic to the game, that does feel decently balanced. It never really got in my way or felt too cumbersome.

The bike is a great feature that lets you put your own personality and flare into the world of Days Gone. I was worried that the gas management mechanic would be annoying but I never had an issue!

I'm conclusion, Days Gone is a game that grabs you in if you let it, and keeps you thinking about it long after it ends. Great world building, characters and combat mechanics make this one a must play for gamers that enjoy open world action adventure titles.

I guarantee you'll enjoy it.

Thank you!
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