All Film Lovers Eventually Come to Ozu
24 April 2021
Roger Ebert wrote these words, or something very close to this, in a piece on the great filmmaker Yasujiro Ozu. I read the piece quite a few years ago, not having experienced any of Ozu's films. I was surprised to read about this artist, never knowing the name let alone the works he crafted. As a somewhat young cinephile devouring movies 10-20 a week, I focused on more "known" directors at the time, renting videos almost daily at my local video store. Deciding to find an Ozu film, I asked the fellow movie nerd behind the counter if they stocked any films by Ozu. They had one video, Tokyo Story, dusty and sitting alone in the Foreign Films section. I grabbed it and went straight home.

On first watching, my initial reaction was "This film is soooooo slow. What was Roger taking about in his article again?" Went back and re-read Roger's words. Went back and watched Tokyo Story again. Was hooked on Ozu ever since.

For those who have never seen an Ozu film, please watch this documentary. Then approach his films with an open and fully focused mind. Meditate on his films in the way one might reflect on the beauty of a Japanese garden.

You might be touched in ways few films can touch you.
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