Mortal Kombat (2021)
Absolutely abysmal, the '95 original seems like a masterpiece in comparison
23 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like I lost like a million of my brain cells. I cannot even comprehend how it was even possible to make something as bad as this. I feel sorry for the actors/martial artists who have signed on for such a terrible, truly terrible script.

I don't even know where to start it's such a big trainwreck. Well, let's start with this one. It doesn't even feel like a MOVIE even though it claims to be one. Even when I occasionally see some bad movies, at least I can still say about them that they were actually structured, paced, cut, and directed like a movie.

As for Mortal Kombat, well, not so much. It has a barely passable first act that ends with a 3-page long exposition dump from Sonya Blade about the mysticism and history of the Mortal Kombat tournament. Because of the context and line delivery, this feels so cringeworthy and unbeliavable that I was waiting for either her or Cole to burst out laughing. Right before that you see her, Kano and Cole fight against Reptile... wait, an actual reptile... WTF...

Anyway, then the second act comes in which pretty much nothing happens just random characters get introduced in an extremely anticlimactic and lame way, then they occasionally fight and say things only Timmy Wiseau would wrote (maybe the screenwriter of MK is his relative).

And... where's the third act? It's pretty much also non-existent. Just suddenly Shang Tsung comes in again for the 5th or god knows which time and the bad guys and good guys fight, we get a little fan-service and then THE END.

Basically, here's the summary of the movie:

There's no tournament. Characters do random stuff in roughly the first third of the movie. In the second third of the movie, they do random stuff and say really bad lines in a lame cave. In the last third, they do all the same things as in the previous two thirds, but this time in the city AND in the cave. WOW! Oh, and Shang Tsung and his buddies appear every 20 minutes or so because they are impatient and want to kill the champions of Eearthrealm.

The fighting scenes are not that interesting or engaging, I've seen much better in tons of other movies. The soundtrack sucks (e.g. It's not fitting at all and so bad that right after Hanzo's family gets killed, a low quality rock song kicks in when Hanzo starts fighting against the attackers, instead of something more orchestral, adrenalin pumping and emotional that would help convey to the audience Hanzo's inner rage and feel of sadness).

The scenes transition into each other in an extremely abrupt way, scenes get cut very randomly, there's no flow at all to the entire movie, a high-school fan-film is much better thought out than this.

The original MK movie from 1995 compared to this seems like a masterpiece because it actually had a good flow, a perfect balance between seriosuness and self-reflective comedy (which helped a lot), memorable characters, interesting world design and fun fight scenes, with a badass soundtrack. Yeah, it was a cringey movie, yet it still did pretty much everything better than the 2021 film, aside from the cinematography and visuals (the original still had much more varied environments though).

I would rate MK2021 a 3 out of 10. I do not recommend watching it at all.
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