"They never ask why..."
23 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, let me start off by addressing the "this episode was too woke" crybaby snowflakes on the right who think that acknowledging the bigotry and racial issues that still exist in the "land of the free" is being too "woke."

Again, like the last episode, everything Sam said to the politicians was 100% true. Seeing Sam grill those corrupt, bigoted, hypocritical politicians was one of the highlights for me.

Again, telling our political leaders that they can "do better" is not only true, but it was fun to see them squirm.

Acknowledging Isiah's contributions to this country, and giving him a much deserved part of the museum, was spectacular! I hate to say it, but we don't talk enough about African Americans that served during World War II to fight Nazism, only to return home to the Jim Crow South and be denied entry into a diner.

So again, for the "it's too woke" crybabies, go watch Act of Valor or something if you want to have mindless "America is always in the right" entertainment.

NOW....on to the bad, the REAL BAD.

1. Was there a villain I was supposed to care about? Julia Louis Dreyfus, still not sure who the hell she's supposed to be. Is SHE a villain? IDK. Don't really care. She's not that interesting. Carly and her goons were certainly not that interesting, and it kind of sucks that they were considered the main baddies. Very boring. Power Broker...sorry but Agent Carter as the Power Broker doesn't really get me. This was the problem with Wanda Vision....why can't we have a big, interesting baddie? Half the episode was Falcon, Bucky, and Walker foiling Carly's plans, and the rest was just kind of a let down.

2. Boring. Once Carly and her goons were dealt with, why keep watching? Nothing really interesting happened after that besides Sam and Isiah. That was a beautiful moment, but that was it. Zemo didn't do anything, Walker barely did anything, Dreyfus was kind of there, Power Broker just talked about making some deals, really uneventful ending.

3. Most of the action was Sam chasing a helicopter piloted by a kid. I just don't find that interesting, he should have taken that out in like 5 seconds.

Overall, just more Disney sucking you dry and giving you watered down, tame, basic entertainment. This show has been a disappointment to me overall. It's not exciting. The villains are boring, the action is limited, and not really that engaging, and the characters outside of Bucky, Sam, and Walker, are not that interesting. If all you have are interesting heroes, but no interesting villains, what good is that?

Again, Disney and Marvel, figure out what you're trying to do here. Because honestly, it just seems like they want your cash and that's it. It's kind of like OnlyFans right now...someone charges you 20 bucks for a 3 minute video that you think will be good, only to find out it's something you could see for free on any other site. I am cancelling my Disney+ because it's not worth the money to have shows that are this consistently dull and pointless.

I don't think I'll be watching Loki, or at least I won't be watching it every week. I'll just wait until it all is available and then binge it.

Sam said to the politicians "You can do better." Well, Disney...so can you.
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