SEAL Team VI (2008)
If I was a SEAL I would be physically ill after 30 minutes of this...
17 April 2021
Umm... did they just give a guy a Trident on a carrier, on the way to the mission, and say 'Welcome to the team, SEAL!''? Please no... And the ARMY SSGT on the freaking CARRIER said 'HOOAAH!' to his little 5 man SOF team (huh?) of which at least one looks like he is too old to even be enlisted outside of an officer rank. Oh my God. THE MARINES SAY HOOAAH. NOT THE ARMY, OR THE NAVY, OR THE AIR FORCE, OR THE USCG.

These camo patterns did not even exist until over 14 years after when this war happened.

The Navy officer at the start looks like his blouse has been laying on the floor under a pile of dirty clothes for the past week. In realty, that uniform would be IMMACULATE, with perfectly crisp and starched lines.

And his CO was wearing a freaking business suit. WHAT!!!!

I knew this movie would be a low budget production, but this is far worse than I ever imagined.

This 'movie' is an abomination. It's wrong on so many levels. This is the very worst SEAL movie I have ever seen. If I was a SEAL, I would be BEYOND insulted by this trash.

Are those COMS from freaking RADIO SHACK?????????? Oh hell no. NONONO.

It takes many months of evaluation, testing, and investigating a person's past to become a SEAL. They will send people to the town you grew up in, and question your past friends, teachers, parents, family, neighbors, and anyone else you spent time with. They will then put you through an INTENSE psych evaluation to make sure you can qualify for a special access security clearance.

They will test your mind and body to the fringes of reality and wear you down to the point that your mind becomes Jello so they can build you back up again.

They will tie your hands and feet together and throw you in a 30 foot pool and go down there and start attacking you to the point that you have to fight for your life.

Worst of all, SEALS and small special ops groups like with MARSOC, Rangers 10th and 45th, Delta, USAFPJ's, Force Recon, and even in other countries, like the SAS, Spetsnaz, GROM, SASF, FFLSR, etc, are brothers to the ends of the Universe. They don't start fighting like school children in the middle of a combat tour.
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