Had in tears near the end
17 April 2021
This documentary really moved me ,as someone who has always appreciated the art of video games and work that goes into them but never really been into them,something about god of war caught my eye,I don't own a PlayStation so I can't even play this game,but simply because of how much i love the idea of this game. I decided too check out this documentary on the game,and I was In tears,too see the development team fall from grace and doubt themselves troughout the entire process,too being one of the highest rated and most celebrated games in history was incredibly moving,you get to learn about these people over the two hours and you see the constant struggle and this documentary does an outstanding job of humanizing developers,not just of video games but films,tv shows,books,etc.a lot of people see the people who put the time and effort into creating a product as nothing more then that....they are seen as someone who creates a product,not necessarily as human beings with struggles,this movie humanized them and it was incredible too see the payoff.
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