Review of Millennium

Millennium (2010)
More than the sum of its parts
13 April 2021
This packs together the 3 movies into one or rather overall 6 parts - which means each movie becomes a two parter. That is because the running time is also extended for better or worse. And let me again emphasize that I have not read the source material, so I cannot attest to similarities or changes that have been made while transitioning this onto the big (or small) screen, depending on where you watched or will watch this.

The first two parts are really something different and set the tone. And they do not take any prisoners. From that we get the feeling that the two characters that are being highlighted here, also seem to be quite close to each other. And I don't mean sexually (though if you have issues with sex and nudity and all that, the movie will quite frankly really upset you) at all. Though there is some of that too - but I am talking about a spiritual connection. They are different ... really different ... which is why they make a good team.

Talking about sex, there is one scene that goes completely wrong for one of our characters ... the plan was different ... it sort of worked out, but it was not supposed to be as hardcore as it got to be. But that particular scene is more than just haunting! It will deliver ripple effects all through the movie world this created ... up until the end of it all ... For more insight, I reckon you can look up the individual reviews to the movies. And while this sparked a US remake, they only really went after the first movie (or two parts if you count it the way they do it here)!
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