Fear the Walking Dead: The Door (2021)
Season 6, Episode 8
The 10 is for John Dorie!
12 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I considered the episode excellent because of John Dorie. Calamity Jane's sister went and shot the best character on FTWD other than Morgan. Why? She said he knew too much about her killing people that Calamity Jane liked.

I thought Morgan trying to save John Dorie was a good effort. Morgan is in the "cleared" stage in FTWD. This means he "has" to do the job of saving EVERYONE (which means cleared from the old Walking Dead days.) Morgan would clear an area meaning he made it safe.

I may have misheard, but I could swear that that Calamity Jane's sister said she was the one who saved Morgan that day. I find that hard to believe...but whatever! It is just a show! Knowing how Morgan was miraculously saved with a gunshot wound to the chest, I was hoping the same for John Dorie. I was hoping that June would walk up to him with a Band-Aid and apply it to his chest and all would be fine. In almost all other cases, this was done on FTWD, but not in John's case. Why? Who knows! He was a white male; he wasn't portrayed as LGBTQ+, so maybe the writers just thought they too many people like him and killed him off.

Calamity Jane's sister reminds me of Charlie and how she killed NIck. That was also a senseless killing of a character. I would have rather had NIck fighting a hoard of zombies, but NO....they had to kill him off by a deranged preteen girl with mental issues.

OK...Morgan is all that is left for me at this point! I am serious. Unless they can bring in new blood from the Walking Dead the show is gone! I would suggest adding Princess and King Ezekiel and Eugene. There are plenty of women on FTWD for Eugene to lose his virginity and learn to talk like a normal person again. I was hoping Princess would take care of Eugene's virginity, but she was too busy being schizophrenic.

Alas poor John Dorie, we knew him well! The only way the show could have been sadder at the end would be to play "It's a wonderful world" by Louis Armstrong as June shoved the knife in his skull.
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