Not Blackfish By Any Stretch
9 April 2021
The supposed protagonist is pretty egotistical and incredibly narcissistic- he comes across as an antagonist for portions of the doc, and you have a hard time deciding who to root for/against.

It's not difficult to understand that politicians are motivated by money and ego, but it seems like Mr Demers may suffer similar afflictions.

At the heart of this are these poor creatures forced to endure the pain and suffering, and it's a gross miscarriage of humanity that we allow this nonsense to continue, but it stands to reason that in order to be compassionate we need to demand the closure of these 'parks' and no more animals in captivity. Especially at the whims of families supposedly clamoring for entertainment; how fun is it to watch an animal perform a trick for food?

If you really want to make a permanent difference, find a better voice for these animals that doesn't crave attention for ME and focuses solely on the lives of the animals.
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